Edible Walkways

The plight of the greenhouse has exposed many issues in the local area where land has been left unused and become neglected. The community has shown its love and support for the John Neild Conservatory; why not put some of this horticulture and love back into the community?

Inspired by Incredible Edible we are looking for sites where neighbours can come together and improve their area – and get great food too! Gardens like these bring the community together and have significant health benefits.

It’s not supprising then, that our very first site is at Staveleigh Medical Centre, Stalybridge; where we are planning a Sensory and Edible garden. Back in Stamford Park, we would like to put raised beds (Hence the name Edible Walkways), but that would require permission from the Council and perhaps some more time. We are also working with Jigsaw, the local housing group, to identify suitable plots of land on their turf (excuse the pun).

More exciting news, however, comes from the managers of Stamford Park boating lake. They have identified three areas where we can introduce new gardens for the community. This is followed by The Big Local Hub in Ridgehill in what could become a significant project both in land area and what it could produce.

If you would like to get involved in the project or can suggest an area for green fingers, please email chairman@stamfordparkgreenhouse.org